Monday, May 25, 2009

ninas wordle

title="Wordle: ninA"> src=""
alt="Wordle: ninA"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">

HHC Camp '09

This slideshow shows the YR6 trip to HHC Camp.
I used animoto to create this slideshow.
The highlight of Camp for me was the abasiling tower because it was scary, challenging and fun!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memory drawing

Walt: access our prior knowledge.
I used Voicethread to share my drawing of a Tui. This is my drawing at the start of my inquiry. I will do another drawing at the end of my inquiry and it will hopefully show all the new learning I have done.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Walt:Compare and contrast different programmes

This double bubble show the things that are the same and not the same out o f and webspiration.
The program i like the to use best is webspiration because you can put picturs on it and you can change the colours of the lines and words.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Walt:ask open questions.I used Webspiration to brainstorm questions that will guide me in my inquiry on the Tui Bird.

Tui Bird New Zealand

Walt:Follow an inquiry process.
The Bird I want to learn about is the Tui. I chose it because the Tui is a native New Zealand Bird and it looks interesting.