Monday, November 23, 2009


WALT: identify the key items in Justine's life. Justine is the Special Olympian that our class adopted and are following this term.

WALT: follow an inquiry process and present out inquiry learning about the Special Olympics using MS Movie maker.Before making this movie, I looked over the feedback I received last term for my movie about China. Some of the things I took into consideration and tried to improve on when making this movie were making my voice loud and clear. Something interesting I have learnt about the Special Olympics during this inquiry is that there are 10 games in the Special Olympics.A challenge I found in this inquiry was all the filming because Ifound it hard to remember all my lines.I overcame this challenge by practicing my lines and eventually I remembered them.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

St James Athletics day

Last week on Friday the 13Th of November we had our St James school Athletics at the Massey Track. A highlight for me was being Abel to do athletics on a proper track. Something I found challenging was the hurdles were bigger than I thought. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Walt: Identify how spcial olympians use SUPER to overcome challenges and be the best the we can be.


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